主要通过生物信息学方法,围绕线粒体基因组(mitochondrial DNA)进行人类进化遗传学和群体遗传学研究,涉及以下几个方面🌮:1)人群的扩张、迁徙和所受到自然选择作用等进化历史;2)线粒体DNA变异在人类表型和疾病中的作用👩👩👧;3)跨物种线粒体DNA分子进化研究🎁;4)核基因组中线粒体DNA插入序列研究。
Tao Y†, Wei Y†, Ge J†, Pan Y†, Wang W, Bi Q, Sheng P, Fu C, Pan W, Jin L, Zheng HX# , Zhang M#. Phylogenetic evidence reveals early Kra-Dai divergence and dispersal in the late Holocene. Nature Communications. 2023 Oct 30;14(1):6924.
Ning C†, Zheng HX† , Zhang F†, Wu S, Li C, Zhao Y, Xu Y, Wei D, Wu Y, Gao S*, Jin L*, Cui Y*. Ancient Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Extensive Genetic Influence of the Steppe Pastoralists in Western Xinjiang. Frontiers in Genetics. 2021 ,12:740167.
Sun D†, Niu Z†, Zheng HX†, Wu F, Jiang L, Han TQ, Wei Y, Wang J*, Jin L*. A mitochondrial DNA variant elevates the risk of gallstone disease by altering mitochondrial function. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2021;11(4):1211-1226.e15.
Zhang M†, Zheng HX†, Yan S*, Jin L*. Reconciling the father tongue and mother tongue hypotheses in Indo-European populations. National Science Review, 2019, 6(2):293-300.
He L†, Zheng HX†, Wang Y, Le KY, Liu Q, Shang J, Dai Y, Meng H, Wang X, Li T, Gao Q, Qin J, Lu H, Otto M*, Li M*. Detection and analysis of methicillin-resistant human-adapted sequence type 398 allows insight into community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus evolution. Genome Medicine, 2018, 10(1):5.
Zheng HX†, Li L†, Jiang XY†, Yan S, Qin Z, Wang X*, Jin L*. MtDNA genomes reveal a relaxation of selective constraints in low-BMI individuals in a Uyghur population. Human Genetics, 2017,136(10):1353-1362.
Kang L†*, Zheng HX†, Zhang M, Yan S, Li L, Liu L, Liu K, Hu K, Chen F, Ma L, Qin Z, Wang Y, Wang X, Jin L*. MtDNA analysis reveals enriched pathogenic mutations in Tibetan highlanders. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:31083.
Yin M†, Zheng HX†, Su J, Feng Z, McManus DP, Zhou XN, Jin L, Hu W*. Co-dispersal of the blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum and Homo sapiens in the Neolithic Age. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18058.
Kang L†*, Zheng HX†, Chen F, Yan S, Liu K, Qin Z, Liu L, Zhao Z, Li L, Wang X, He Y, Jin L*. mtDNA lineage expansions in Sherpa population suggest adaptive evolution in Tibetan highlands. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2013, 30(12):2579-87.
Zheng HX, Yan S, Qin ZD, Jin L*. MtDNA analysis of global populations support that major population expansions began before Neolithic Time. Scientific Reports, 2012, 2:745.
Zheng HX†, Yan S†, Qin ZD, Wang Y, Tan JZ, Li H, Jin L*. Major population expansion of East Asians began before Neolithic Time: Evidence of mtDNA genomes. PLoS One, 2011, 6(10):e25835.