




办公地点🧎‍♂️:杏鑫 D503









1. Jun Jiang#, Chen Lin #,,, Yao Li*, Lu Zhang*, Jun Liu*. 2020. Transcriptome changes of Mycobacterium marinum in the process of resuscitation from hypoxia-induced dormancy. Frontiers in Genetics. 10: 1359.

2. Ding-qianLiu#,,, Lu Zhang*,Qing-zhongWang*. 2020. Over-expression of Tgs1 in Mycobacterium marinum enhances virulence in adult zebrafish. International Journal of Medical Microbiology. 310: 151378.

3. Juntao Mai#,,, Lu Zhang* and Jun Liu*. 2019. Mycobacterium tuberculosis 6C sRNA binds multiple mRNA targets via C-rich loops independent of RNA chaperones. Nucleic Acids Research. 47(8): 4292–4307.

4. Xian Sun#, Lu Zhang#,,, Jun Liu*. 2018. Transcription factors Rv0081 and Rv3334 connect the early and the enduring hypoxic response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Virulence. 9(1): 1468–1482.

5. Jing Wu#,,, Lu Zhang* and Jun Liu*. 2017. WhiB4 Regulates the PE/PPE Gene Family and is Essential for Virulence of Mycobacterium marinum. Scientific Reports. 7(1): 3007.

6. Huanwei Ru#,,, Lu Zhang* and Jun Liu*. 2017. The impact of genome region of difference 4 (RD4) on mycobacterial virulence and BCG efficacy. Frontiers in Cellular andInfection Microbiology. 7:239.

7. Zhi-hao Xiang#,,, Lu Zhang* and Jun Liu*. 2017. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a fusion protein tuberculosis vaccine combining five Esx family proteins. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 7:226.

8. Liu Dan#,,, Zhang Lu* and Wang Qingzhong*. 2017. Rv2629 Overexpression Delays Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacteria tuberculosis Entry into Log-Phase and Increases Pathogenicity of Mycobacterium smegmatis in Mice. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8:2231.

9. Lu Zhang#,,, Jun Liu*. 2016. Variable virulence and efficacy of BCG vaccine strains and correlation with genome polymorphisms. Molecular Therapy. 24(2): 398-405.

10. Wen-xi Xu, Lu Zhang*,,, Honghai Wang*. 2014. The Wag31 protein interacts with AccA3 and coordinates cell wall lipid permeability and lipophilic drug resistance in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 448: 255–260.

11. Peng Chao, Zhang Lu*,,, Honghai Wang*. 2012. Mtb9.9 protein family: an immunodominant antigen family of Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces humoral and cellular immune responses in mice. Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics. 8(4): 435-442.

12. Lu Zhang*,,, Honghai Wang*. 2012. Identification of putative biomarkers for the serodiagnosis of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proteome Science. DOI: 10.1186/1477-5956-10-12.

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