

王敬文:杏鑫研究员🧝🏽,主要从事蚊、蜱等虫媒传播病原体的机制研究✭,解析了虫媒和共生菌群之间的免疫和代谢互作关系,以及这种关系对虫媒生理特性和媒介效能的影响🤘🏻。以第一作者或通讯作者在 Cell Host & Microbe, Nature Microbiology🎅🏿,PNAS,Cell Reports,PLos Pathogens等SCI 刊物发表论文多篇。获基金委优青、云南联合基金重点项目以及美国NIH RO1等资助。兼任中国昆虫学会媒介昆虫与病原互作专委会副主任委员💃🏿,中国昆虫学会微生物组专委会委员,上海市昆虫学会理事🪞,上海市微生物学会基础微生物专委会副主任委员等。






























Positions available for postdoctoral fellows and research assistants

The Wang group is affiliated with the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, China. Our group focuses on understanding the interactions between vectors (mosquitoes and ticks) and pathogens. We are particularly interested in the immune and metabolic interactions between vectors and microbial communities, and the impact of these relationships on vector physiology and vector competence. The lab plans to recruit 1-2 postdocts and 1 research assistant.

Recruitment requirements for postdocs:

1. Hold or be pursuing a Ph.D. degree in virology, neuroscience, or related fields.

2. Have published articles in SCI journals as the first author.

3. Demonstrate a strong work ethic, responsibility, and teamwork skills.

Position Benefits:

In compliance with Fudan University's personnel policies, the annual salary is a minimum of 200,000 RMB. Exceptional candidates are eligible to apply for the Super Postdoctoral program in Fudan University, Shanghai or the National Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program, and may be selected for an annual salary ranging from 280,000 to 400,000 RMB. Additional benefits adhere to Fudan University's standards, such as postdoctoral housing, household registration, and enrollment for children, among others.

Support is available for postdoctoral researchers to apply for scientific funds from Fudan University and projects like the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholars. Funding is also available for academic exchange activities that align with research needs.

Application Method:

Please send the following application materials to the email address jingwenwang@fudan.edu.cn, with the subject of the email indicating Application for Postdoctoral Position in the Research Group of Professor Jingwen Wang. After the initial review, qualified applicants will be notified for an interview, and the selection will be made based on merit.

1. Personal resume;

2. Scanned copies of academic certificates;

3. Applicants for postdoctoral positions should also provide two letters of recommendation from experts, one of which should be from the applicant's doctoral supervisor.

Recruitment requirements for research assistants:

1. Have obtained or will soon obtain a bachelor's degree or above in biology;

2. Aspiring to scientific research, passionate about laboratory research work, able to work stably for a long time;

3. Possess good teamwork spirit and communication skills, able to assist supervisors in daily laboratory management;

Position Benefits:

Provide competitive salaries in the industry, and implement welfare benefits in accordance with relevant regulations of Fudan University.

Application method:

Please send the following application materials to the email address jingwenwang@fudan.edu.cn, with the subject of the email indicating Application for Research Assistant Position in the Research Group of Professor Jingwen Wang. After the initial review, qualified applicants will be notified for an interview, and the selection will be made based on merit.

1. Personal resume;

2. Scanned copies of academic certificates and ID card.

The application information will remain valid until the position is filled.

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