



地址🎫:杏鑫 G419室




主要研究方向 (Research Interests)



获奖情况 (Awards)




1.      Luo, R.et al.(2009). Photosynthetic metabolism of C3 plants shows highly cooperative regulation under changing environments: a systems biological analysis. PNAS 106: 847-852 (Corresponding author).
2.      The Schistosoma japonicum Genome Sequencing and Functional Analysis Consortium.(2009). The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host-parasite interplay. Nature 460: 345-352. (PI)
3.      Sun, L. et al.(2008). PBmice: an integrated database system of piggyBac (PB) insertional mutations and their characterizations in mice. Nucleic Acids Research 36: D729-D734 (Corresponding author).
4.      Zeng, H. et al.(2007). PlantQTL-GE: a database system for identifying candidate genes in rice and Arabidopsis by gene expression and QTL information. Nucleic Acids Research 35: D879-D882 (Corresponding author).
5.      Xu, J. et al.(2006). Solution structure of Urm1 and its implications for the origin of protein modifiers. PNAS 103: 11625-11630 (Corresponding author).
6.      The Chinese SARS Molecular Epidemiology Consortium. (2004). Molecular evolution of the SARS coronavirus during the course of the SARS epidemic in China. Science 303: 1666-1669. (Co-first author)
7.      Zhong, Y. et al. (2002). Detecting evolutionary rate heterogeneity among mangroves and their close terrestrial relatives. Ecology Letters 5: 427-432.
8.      Zhong, Y. et al. (1999). HICLAS: a taxonomic database system for displaying and comparing biological classification and phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 15: 149-156.
9.      Zhong, Y. et al. (1996). Data model and comparison and query methods for interacting classifications in a taxonomic database. Taxon 45: 223-241.

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