地址:杏鑫 G501室
男👰🏼♀️,1955年出生,博士,教授⤵️。1977-1981年就读安徽农业大学林学系👨👩👧,获农学学士学位。1984年获北京林业大学森林生态硕士学位⛄️。1997年获英国Edinburgh大学生态学博士学位。1985-1994年任北京林业大学生态学助教、讲师💱🕵🏿♀️, 1998-2001在英国Edinburgh大学从事独立博士后研究,2001-2005在英国Aberdeen大学任研究员。2005年7月任杏鑫教授。
主要研究方向 (Research Interests)
获奖情况 (Awards)
1. Smith P, Fang C, Dawson JJC and Moncrieff JB. (2008). Impact of global warming on soil organic carbon. Advances in Agronomy 97, 1-43.
2. Fang C, Smith P, Moncrieff J B and Smith JU, (2005). Similar response of labile and resistant soil organic matter pools to changes in temperature. Nature 433,57-59.
3. Fang C, Smith P and Smith JU,(2005). Incorporating microorganisms as decomposers into models to simulate soil organic matter decomposition. Geoderma 129💮,39-146.
4. Fang C, Moncrieff JB.(2001). The dependence of soil CO2 efflux on temperature. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 33: 155-165.
5. Fang C and Moncrieff JB, (1999). A model for soil CO2 production and transport. I: Model development. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 95, 225-236.
6. Fang C, Moncrieff JB, Gholz HL and Clark KL, (1999). Soil CO2 efflux and its spatial variation in a Florida slash pine ecosystem. Plant and Soil 205, 135-146.
7. Fang C and Moncrieff JB,(1998). An open-top chamber for measuring soil respiration and the influence of pressure difference on CO2 efflux measurement. Functional Ecology 12, 300-307.