• International Symposium on Metabonomics on Translational Medicine (ISMTM, 2014)


    ISMTM is a symposium that brings scientists in the area of metabonomics, biochemistry and medical clinicians with a goal to deal with the challenges in healthcare we are facing in the 21st century. The ISMTM, 2014 meeting will be held by State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai in 19th May, 2014.


    The fast development in metabonomics analytical technology over the past years has increased our understanding of metabolic pathways associated with disease initiation and progression and hence can potentially provide useful information for diagnosis and treatment. In China, we are faced with increasing cancer rates due to environmental changes and aging population. One of the great challenges in the treatment of this disease is the development of therapy resistance and the monitoring of this process together with the identification of novel therapeutic strategies are prime area of focus in cancer research. This meeting will bring experts in the related areas to discuss how the advanced metabonomics technology can be applied and translated to improve patient prognosis.


    The meeting is free and provides lunch, but registration is required. Please contact Dr. An (anyanpeng2007@fudan.edu.cn)
    - 会议地点:邯郸校区老逸夫楼一楼报告厅
    - 会议时间:2014年5月19日8:30-17:30
    Invited speakers:
    - Prof. Michael Seckl, Imperial College London
    - Prof Bob Brown, Imperial College London
    - Prof Eric Lam, Imperial College London
    - Dr. Olivier Pardo, Imperial College London
    - Prof. Shimin Zhao, Fudan University
    - Prof. Ping Gao, University of Science and Technology, China
    - Prof. Huiru Tang, Fudan University
    - Prof. Yulan Wang, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics

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