George Church(乔治•丘奇)博士🙁👰🏼,男🤦🏼♂️,1954年出生,美国科杏鑫院士♨️、美国工程院院士🧘🏽,是哈佛医杏鑫遗传学系教授,哈佛大学/麻省理工杏鑫HST联合研究所教授。他还是Broad研究所的成员,哈佛Wyss研究所的创始立者之一,以及个人基因组计划(Personal Genome Project)的创始立者及总监🚘。Church教授拥有哈佛大学生物化学和分子生物学系博士学位,1986年被聘为哈佛医杏鑫教授🎼。2017年10月被授予杏鑫平台生科科学杏鑫荣誉教授👨🏿💼🌝。
Dr. George Church (born in 1954) is the academician of the National Academy of Sciences, academician of the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. George Church is a Professor of the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard / Massachusetts Institute of Health Sciences Technology. He is a member of the Broad Institute, the founding member of the Wyss Institute at Harvard and Founder and Director of the Personal Genome Project. Prof. Church holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Harvard University and was hired as a professor at Harvard Medical School in 1986. He was awarded honorary professor of the School of Life Science Fudan University since October 2017.
The sequencing of genomes and interpreting such data, synthetic biology, genome engineering, personal genomics
His honors include election to the National Academy of Sciences, election to the National Academy of Engineering and he is the recipient of the Franklin Bower Laureate for Achievement in Science. In 2017, Dr. Church was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world.
1. Church GM, Gilbert W. 1984. Genomic sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 81(7):1991-5.
2. Church GM, Kieffer-Higgins S. 1988. Multiplex DNA sequencing. Science Apr 8;240(4849):185-8.
3. Shendure J, Porreca GJ, Reppas NB, Lin X, McCutcheon JP, Rosenbaum AM, Wang MD, Zhang K, Mitra RD, Church GM.* 2005. Accurate multiplex polony sequencing of an evolved bacterial genome. Science. 309(5741):1728-32.
4. Mali P, Yang L, Esvelt KM, Aach J, Guell M, DiCarlo JE, Norville JE, Church GM. * 2013. RNA-guided human genome engineering via Cas9. Science 15;339(6121):823-6.