• 全哲学



    姓名:全哲学Zhe-Xue Quan



    办公地点🧑‍🎄👩🏽‍🍳:杏鑫 C305

    Room C305, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University









    Ecological characteristics of complete ammonia oxidizer (comammox)

    Mining of deep sea microbial resources,

    Human skin microbiome

    Seeking of missed microbes with developed methods



    男👨‍👦‍👦,1973年出生🧗🏻‍♂️,博士🧑‍🎤,教授🧑🏿‍🍼。在北京大学化学系获学士学位,在韩国科学技术院生物科学系获博士学位。2005年开始在杏鑫任讲师、副教授和教授。国外SCI杂志PLoS ONEJournal of Microbiology的编委🩱,Frontiers in Microbiology的审稿编委;国家自然科学基金委重大研究项目“水圈微生物驱动地球元素循环的机制”专家组学术秘书🚓。


    Graduated Peking University and took Ph.D degree in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Editorial board member of PLoS ONE and Journal of Microbiology, and review editor of Frontiers in Microbiology. Member of Teaching Community in Chinese Society of Microbiology,  








    Microorganisms in Our Daily Life

    Molecular Microbial Ecology









    Complete ammonia oxidizers (Comammox) and other Nitrifiers


    1. Ru-Yi Zhang#, Yan-Ren Wang#, Ru-Long Liu, Sung-Keun Rhee, Guo-Ping Zhao, Zhe-Xue Quan* Metagenomic characterization of a novel non-ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota from hadal sediment. Microbiome. 12:7, 2024.

    2. Kai Zhang, Hui-Feng Sun, You-Cai Kang, Ran Jiang, Yan-Ren Wang, Ru-Yi Zhang, Sheng Nan Zhang, Yang-Yang Li, Peng Li, Fan Yang, Sheng Zhou, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Comammox plays a functionally important role in the nitrification of rice paddy soil with different nitrogen fertilization levels. Appl Soil Ecol. 193, 105120, 2024.

    3. Ran Jiang, Wen-Jing Qin, Ru-Yi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Xing Huang, Yong Li, Chen-Hao Zhou, Ting Zhu, Yan Zhang, Bin Zou, Ming Nie, Sung-Keun Rhee, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Salinity changes the nitrification activity and community composition of comammox Nitrospira in intertidal sediments of Yangtze River estuary. mSystems. 8(3):e01026, 2023.

    4. Dan-Qi Wang, Cheng-Hao Zhou, Ming Nie, Ji-Dong Gu, Zhe-Xue Quan. Abundance and niche specificity of different types of complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox) in salt marshes covered by different plants. Sci Tot Environ. 768:144993, 2021.

    5. Ran Jiang, Jian-Gong Wang, Ting Zhu, Bin Zou, Dan-Qi Wang, Sung-Keun Rhee, Dong An, Zhi-Yuan Ji and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Use of newly designed primers for quantification of complete   ammonia-oxidizing (comammox) bacterial clades and strict nitrite oxidizers in the genus Nitrospira. Appl Environ Microbiol. 86:e01775, 2020.

    6. Xia F, Wang J-G, Zhu T, Zou B, Rhee S-K, Quan Z-X*. Ubiquity and diversity of complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox). Appl Environ Microbiol. 84:e01390, 2018. (至20249月🧑‍🦱,被SCI杂志他引160多次)

    7. Jian-Gong Wang, Fei Xia, Jemaneh Zeleke, Bin Zou, Sung-Keun Rhee, and Zhe-Xue Quan. An improved protocol with a highly degenerate primer targeting copper-containing membrane-bound monooxygenase genes for community analysis of methane- and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 93(3), fiw244, 2018.

    8. 全哲学👨‍🎨🧑🏼‍🎄,追寻全程硝化菌之路:基因序列驱动的新功能微生物的发现,中国科学基金🧿,5🧑🏻‍🏭,479-484🧕🏼,2018.

    9. Zhe-Xue Quan, Sung-Keun Rhee, Jian-E Zuo, Yang Yang, Jin-Woo Bae, Ja Ryeong Park, Sung-Taik Lee, Yong-Ha Park*. Diversity of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in a granular sludge anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) reactor. Environ Microbiol. 10, 3130-3139, 2008. (发现第五个厌氧氨氧化菌候选属🙏;至20249月🈳,被SCI杂志引用300多次)



    Human Skin Microbiome

    10. Ting Zhu, Xing Liu, Fan-Qi Kong, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Alyson L. Yee, Madeline Kim, Carlos Galzote, Jack A. Gilbert, and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Age and mothers: potent influences of childrens skin microbiota, J Invest Derm. 139, 2497-2505, 2019. (同期有专家点评文章;被Faculty of 1000推荐)

    11. Dan-Qi Wang†, Xi Li *,† , Ru-Yi Zhang, Chao Yuan, Bo Yan, Philippe Humbert and Zhe-Xue Quan* Effects of investigational moisturizers on the skin barrier and microbiome following exposure to environmental aggressors: A randomized clinical trial and ex vivo analysis. J Clinic Med. 12, 6078, 2023.

    12. Yan-Ren Wang#, Ting Zhu#, Fan-Qi Kong, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Carlos Galzote, Zhe-Xue Quan* Infant mode of delivery shapes the skin mycobiome of prepubescent children. Microbiol Spectrum. 10 (5):e02267-22, 2020.  

    13. Ting Zhu, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Fan-Qi Kong, Carlos Galzote and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Dynamics of skin mycobiome in infants. Front Microbiol. 11: 1790, 2020.

    14. Shi Ying, Dan-Ning Zeng, Liang Chi, Yuan Tan, Carlos Galzote, Cesar Cardona, Simon Lax, Jack Gilbert, Zhe-Xue Quan*. The influence of age and gender on skin-associated microbial communities in urban and rural human populations. PLoS One. 10, e0141842, 2015. (至20249月,被SCI杂志引用170多次)



    Novel Microorganisms

    15. Zhe-Xue Quan, Wan-Taeck Im. Fimbriimonadia. In Book: Bergeys Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020.

    16. W-T Im, Z-Y Hu, K-H Kim, S-K Rhee, H Meng, S-T Lee and Z-X Quan*. Description of Fimbriimonas ginsengisoli gen. nov., sp. nov. within the Fimbriimonadia class nov., of the phylum Armatimonadetes. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. 102, 307-317, 2012. (发现细菌新的纲)

    17. Ru-Yi Zhang, Bin Zou, Yong-Wei Yan, Che Ok Jeon, Meng Li, Mingwei Cai, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Design of targeted primers based on 16S rRNA sequences in meta-transcriptomic datasets and identification of a novel taxonomic group in the Asgard archaea. BMC Microbiol. 20(1), 25, 2020.

    18. Yong-Wei Yan, Bin Zou, Ting Zhu, Wael N. Hozzein, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Modified RNA-seq method for microbial community and diversity analysis using rRNA in different types of environmental samples. PLoS ONE. 12(10), e0186161, 2017.

    19.  X-R Li, Y Lv, H Meng, J-D Gu, Z-X Quan*. Analysis of microbial diversity by pyrosequencing the small-subunit ribosomal RNA without PCR amplification. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98, 3777-3789, 2014.

    20. D-P Mao, Q Zhou, C-Y Chen, Z-X Quan*. Coverage evaluation of universal bacterial primers using the metagenomic datasets. BMC Microbiol. 12, 66, 2012. (至20249月,被SCI杂志引用150多次)

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