











主要研究方向Research Interests)




代表性论文(* corresponding author)

1.Yao H#, Lu Y#, Yang X#, Wang X, Luo Z, Lin D, Wu J* and Xue H*. Arabidopsis Sec14 proteins (SFH5 and SFH7) mediateinterorganelle transport of phosphatidic acid and regulatechloroplast development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2023, 120: e2221637120. (research highlights in Nature Plants)

2.Qian W, Zhu Y, Chen Q, Wang S, Chen L, Liu T, Tang H* and YaoH*. Comprehensive metabolomic and lipidomic alterations in response to heat stress during seed germination and seedling growth of Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci. 2023, 14.

3.Du X, Yao H, Luo P, Tang X, Xue H*. Cytidinediphosphate diacylglycerol synthase-Mediated phosphatidic acid metabolism is crucial for early embryonic development of Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 2022, 18: e1010320. 

4.Lin D#, Yao H#, Jia L, Tan J, Xu Z, Zheng W* and Xue H*. Phospholipase D-derived phosphatidic acid promotes root hair development under phosphorus deficiency by suppressing vacuolar degradation of PIN2. New Phytol. 2020, 226: 142–155.

5.Yao H and Xue H*. Phosphatidic acid (PA) plays key roles regulating plant development and stress responses. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 2018, 60:851-863.

6.Wang Y, Yao H* and Xue H*. Lipidomic profiling analysis reveals the dynamics of phospholipid molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana seedling growth. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 2016, 58:890-902. (Cover).

7.Deng T#, Yao Y#, Wang J#, Wang J, Xue H* and Zuo K*. GhLTPG1, a cotton GPI-anchored lipid transfer protein, regulates the transport of phosphatidylinositol monophosphates and cotton fiber elongation. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6:26829.

8.Gao Q#, Lu Y#, Yao H#, Xu Y, Huang W and Wang C*. Phospholipid homeostasis maintains cell polarity, development and virulence in metarhizium robertsii. Environ. Microbiol. 2016, 18:3976-3990.

9.Yu F#, He F#, Yao H, Wang C, Wang J, Li J, Qi X, Xue H*, Ding J* and Zhang P*. Structural basis of intramitochondrial phosphatidic acid transport mediated by Ups1-Mdm35 complex. EMBO Rep. 2015, 16:813-823. (recommended by F1000 Prime).

10.Yao H*, Wang G and Wang X. Nuclear translocation of proteins and the effect of phosphatidic acid. Plant Signal. & Behav. 2014, 9:12, e977711.

11.Yao H#, Wang G#, Guo G and Wang X*. Phosphatidic acid interacts with a MYB transcription factor and regulates its nuclear localization and function in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2013, 25: 5030-5042. (recommended by F1000 Prime).

12.Yao H and Xue H*. Signals and mechanisms affecting vesicular trafficking during root growth. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 2011,14: 571-579.

13.Yao H#, Zhang T#, Xue H, Tang K* and Li R*. Biomimetic affinity purification of Candida antarctica lipase B. J. Chromatogr. B2011, 879: 3896-3900.


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