姓名:刘佳佳Jiajia Liu
办公地点:杏鑫注册平台G区308办公室 Room G308, School of Life Sciences
Global Biodiversity Change and Conservation
刘佳佳,男🧑🦰,1986年2月生,教授🙏🏽,博士生导师🌗。主要从事全球生物多样性格局、动态及保护方面的工作。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目🤟🏽,现任 Ecological Monographs, Conservation Letters, Ecological Solutions and Evidence等杂志副主编/编委。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Communications, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Current Biology等期刊发表论文20多篇。
I am a professor (tenue track) at Fudan University and my main work is about biodiversity patterns, dynamics, and conservation, across spatial scales (from local to global) and temporal scales, aiming to develop effective measures for global biodiversity conservation. I have abroad research interest includes global biodiversity mapping, transboundary conservation,conservation biogeography, habitat loss and fragmentation. As first/last author,I have published over 20 papers in leading ecological journals, including Nature Ecology &Evolution, Nature Communications, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Current Biology, Frontiers in Ecologyand the Environment. I am good at analyzing global biodiversitydata, and propose practical suggestions to conservation policy.
Population Ecology, Introduction of Biodiversity Science, Field Course of Biology, Frontiers in Ecology
Ecology, Botany, Zoology
Published first/last author papers during 2020-2023
1. Zheng, S., Hu, J., Ma, Z., Lindenmayer, D. & Liu, J.* Increases in intraspecific body size variation are common among North American mammals and birds between 1880 and 2020. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 347–354 (2023).
2. Ma, J.*, Li, J., Wu, W. & Liu, J.* Global forest fragmentation change from 2000 to 2020. Nature Communications 14, 3752 (2023).
3. Mu, Y. et al & Liu, J.* Size-focused conservation may fail to protect the world’s oldest trees. Current Biology 33, 4641-4649.e3 (2023).
4. Liu, J., Yong, D. L., Choi, C. Y. & Gibson, L. Transboundary Frontiers: An Emerging Priority for Biodiversity Conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35, 679–690 (2020).
5. Liu, J. et al. Who will name new plant species? Temporal change in the origins of taxonomists in China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290, 20221954 (2023).
6. Chen, Q., Zheng, S. & Liu, J.* Species attributes are weak predictors for future species discovery of Chinese terrestrial mammals. Biological Conservation 281, 110035 (2023).
7. Lu, Y., Zheng, S., Tomlinson, K. W. & Liu, J.* Contrasting responses of plant herbivory and disease to local and landscape drivers. Plant and Soil (2023) doi:10.1007/s11104-023-05871-5.
8. Liu, J.*, Slik, F., Zheng, S. & Lindenmayer, D. B. Undescribed species have higher extinction risk than known species. Conservation Letters 15, e12876 (2022). 高被引论文
9. Liu, J.*, Zhang, T. & Gibson, L. Transboundary conservation’s rise. Science 375, 154 (2022).
10. Liu, J.* & Slik, F. Are street trees friendly to biodiversity? Landscape and Urban Planning 218, 104304 (2022). 高被引论文
11. Liu, J. et al. Age and spatial distribution of the world’s oldest trees. Conservation Biology 36, e13907 (2022).
12. Dong, J., Deng, Y. & Liu, J.* Treefrogs near the top of a tropical rainforest. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19, 460–460 (2021).
13. Liu, J*. et al. University campuses as valuable resources for urban biodiversity research and conservation. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 64, 127255 (2021).
14. Liu, J*. Warming amplifies urbanization effects on mammals. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7,
1585–1586 (2023).