
















王炜🙆🏻‍♀️,博士生导师,杏鑫青年研究员。2008年毕业于山东大学医杏鑫👸,获得临床医学学士学位🤷🏽,2014年在美国密苏里大学(University of Missouri, Columbia)获得生物化学博士学位👴,20152017年在北京大学化杏鑫化学生物学系进行博士后研究🆙。2018-2022年任职于上海交通大学医杏鑫分子医学研究院,20232入职杏鑫平台生科院微生物学与免疫学系。研究聚焦于通过发展化学的探针工具与研究策略,探究与人类健康密切相关的各类复杂细菌体系的微生物活动与功能💧🫢。近年来针对肠道菌群发展了一系列定性、定量研究的化学生物学新方法🧖🏽‍♂️,发表包括Nature CommunicationsScience AdvancesAccounts of Chemical ResearchAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.在内的多篇研究论文,并于2021年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助。






1.Chen D.#, Guo J.#, Li A., Sun C., Lin H., Lin H.*, Yang C.*, Wang W.*, Gao J.* (2023) Metabolic fluorine labeling and hotspot imaging of dynamic gut microbiota in mice. Sci. Adv., 9, eabg6808.

2.Xu N.#, Lin L.#, Du Y., Lin H., Song J., Yang C.*, Wang W.* (2022) Visualizing and assessing the germination of microbiota endospores in the mammalian gut. Gut Microbes,14, 2125737.

3.Gao J.#, Sun D.#, Li B., Yang C.*, Wang W.* (2022) Integrated identification of growth pattern and taxon of bacterium in gut microbiota via confocal fluorescence imaging-oriented single-cell sequencing. mLife, 1, 358.

4.Gao J.#, Guo J.#, Chen J.#, Ding, C., Wang J., Huang Q., Jian Y., Zhao X., Li M.*, Gao Y.*, Yang C.*, Wang W.* (2022) D-Amino acid-based metabolic labeling enables fast antibiotic susceptibility test of both isolated bacteria and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Advanced Healthcare Materials, e2101736.

5.Lin L.#, Song J.#, Li J.#, Zuo X., Wei H.*, Yang C.*, Wang W.* (2021) Imaging the in vivo growth patterns of bacteria in human gut microbiota. Gut Microbes, 13, 1960134.

6.Lin H., Lin L., Du Y., Gao J., Yang C., Wang W.* (2021) Biodistributions of L,D-transpeptidases in gut microbiota revealed by in vivo labeling with peptidoglycan analogs. ACS Chem. Biol., 16, 1164.

7.Lin L., Du Y., Song J., Wang W.*, Yang C.* (2021) Imaging commensal microbiota and pathogenic bacteria in the gut. Acc. Chem. Res., 54, 2076.

8.Wang W.#,*, Zhang N.#, Du Y.#, Gao J., Li M., Lin L., Czajkowsky D.M., Li X.*, Yang C.*, Shao Z. (2021). Three-dimensional quantitative imaging of native microbiota distribution in the gut.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 3055.

9.Lin L., Wu Q., Song J., Du Y., Gao J., Song Y., Wang W.*, Yang C.* (2020). Revealing the in vivo growth and division patterns of mouse gut bacteria. Sci. Adv., 6, eabb2531.

10.Lin L., Song J., Du Y., Wu Q., Gao J., Song Y., Yang C.*, Wang W.* (2020). Quantification of bacterial metabolic activities in the gut by D-amino acid-based in vivo labeling.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 11923.

(# Co-first author, * corresponding author)

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